Anastasia Krainyuk
I have a degree in architecture, but for the last 3 years I am totally into 3D illustration. I love walking around the city, taking pictures of different places and converting them into 3D. Once upon a time in quarantine, I went out onto the balcony and I liked the unfinished building on the opposite side of the street so much, that I modeled it in 3D. Such an accidental inspiration often happens to me. I am always interested in trying new things. Every new project is a challenge for me.
I mostly illustrate articles, collaborate with brands, create album covers for musicians, etc. Among my clients are Sintezia, samizdat «Batenka, da vy transformer», «Takie Dela». My works have been published in DesignCollector, Ballpitmag, Experimenta. 3D and animation are what I am passionate about, so I always try to put my heart and soul in every project.